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Push Press: Build to a 3RM. Rest 2:00
– 5-6 sets to build to a 3RM.
– Reset on each rep
– Rx+ Touch n Go
*Between sets perform Banded Facepull-apart x 15. The goal is to accumulate roughly 75-100 reps of banded facepull-aparts between sets.
AMRAP 15:00
2 Rope Climbs (1 Legless + 1 w. legs)
400 Meter Run
L3: (Rope Climb with legs)
L2: (Half of Wall Climb) (Band Assisted Strict Chin-up x 5)
L1: (30 Shoulder Taps) (10 Ring Rows w. 1 ct pause)
*Alternate Option
400M Run = 400m Row or 90s Bike