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A. Close Grip Bench Press: 3×8-10. Rest :45 seconds
* add weight each set building to a moderate/heavy set of 8-10
This is 3 “working sets”
Banded Pull Aparts: 3×25. Rest :45 seconds
Make sure pull up scaling is good to go.
B. Five rounds, not for time:
2 Turkish Get Ups after each completed round (one on each side)
10 Pull-Ups
20 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
Rx+: Strict Pull Ups
L2:(Band Assisted Pull-Ups)((35/25)
L1:(Reps start at 8 instead of 9)(Ring Rows)(35/25 Russian Swings)
Ideally use the same weight for Turkish Get Ups as they use for Kettlebell Swings.
20:00 minute time cap on this work
Score=favorite named CrossFit Workout