Save the date! Kick off 2019 with our Nutrition Challenge starting January 21st!
Max Burpees in 60s
10 Minutes of ”GOAT” work on 1 Gymnastics Movement of the athlete’s choice
EMOM 20:
Minute 1: Burpees: 50% of Max Set for all rounds
Minute 2: 100 Ft. each Single Arm Front Rack Carry (53, 35)
Minute 3: 10/6 Strict Chin-ups
Minute 4: 15 SDHP (95, 65)
Rx+: (Ring Pull-ups x 12/8 in place of strict chin-ups)
L3: (75, 55)
L2: (65, 45) (Band Assisted Chin-ups)
L1: (55, 35) (15 Double DB Bent-over Rows in place of Strict Chin-ups)