1) Power Clean + Jerk: 6 x 1 (10s) @70-75% of Monday, every 60s.
– Beginner: Work on technique with a light load for all sets.
2) Back Squat: 3 x 6 @75% of Monday for ALL sets. Rest 2:00
– Beginner: 3 x 8 @light weight.
3) 5 Rounds of:
15 Russian KBS (53/35)
10 V-ups or GHD Situps
8 CTB Pullups
16:00 Cap
Rx+ 70/53, 5 Bar Muscle-ups each round
L3: Chin over bar pullups
L2: 44/26 + banded pullups
L1: 35/18 + Ring rows
Barbell Club meets at 6:30pm!