Chili cook-off is almost upon us! Still need 2 more entries to make it official! Please let us know if you can submit an entry ASAP!
1) Power Clean + Jerk: 4 x 2 @85% of 1/14, every 90s.
2) Back Squat: 3 x 4 @85% of Last Monday for ALL sets. Rest 2:00.
2 RFT:
25 Power Cleans (115, 75)
25 Bar Facing Burpees
L3: (95, 65)
L2: (75, 55)
L1: (95, 65 Clean Grip Deadlifts) (Regular Burpees)
10:00 Cap
100 banded ab pull downs. Rest as needed between sets
Barbell Club meets at 6:30pm!