1a) Rope Climb: 4 x 2. Rest 45s.
– Rx+: L-Sit Rope Climb
– Rx: Legless Rope Climb
– L3: Rope Climb w. legs
– L2/L1: Ground to standing with rope x 3 reps.
1b) Ring Dips: 4 x 10. Rest 45s
– Rx+: Ring Dips
– Rx: Bar Dips
– L3: Band Assisted Bar Dips
– L2/L1: Box Dips
B) Moving with quality for 14:00:
15 Push-ups
20 Hollow Rocks
30 Barbell Rows (75, 55) (change grip every 3rd set)
Rx+:(95, 65)
L3: (65, 45)
L2: (Box Push-ups) (55, 35)
L1: (Box Push-ups) (45, 15)
Banded Triceps Pushdowns – explosive reps: 4 x 25. Rest 60s.
– use a light band if needed and crank out fast reps – full ROM though
Barbell Club meets at 6:30pm!