Bring a Friend to our Party on Saturday December 1st! Food, drinks and a Bounce House for the kids! CFSC is turning 9!!
A. Squat Clean: 3 x 2 @80% of Last Monday, every 60s.
reset between all reps
3 x 1 @85% of Last Monday, every 60s.
B. As Many Rounds as Possible in Sixteen Minutes of:
200 Meter single arm farmer carry buy-in (70/53)
then in remaining time:
10 Box Jumps with Step Down (24/20)
20 Abmat Sit-ups
30 Double Unders
Rx+: (88/70), (30/24)
L3: (53/35), (24/20)
L2: (44/26), (20/16)
C. Barbell Club Meets at 6:30pm!