A. Strict Pull-ups: 3 x submax: Rest 2:00 minutes
Set #1: Wide Grip, Pronated
Set #2: Shoulder width Grip, Supinated Grip
Set #3: Close Grip Supinated Grip
B. Four Rounds for Total Time:
10 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
20 Calorie Bike
25 Abmat Sit-ups
Rest :90 seconds between rounds
L3: (115/75)
L2: (95/65)
L1: (Bent-Over Rows in Place of Hang Power Clean with a lightweight)
*Alternate Options:
Bike = Replace with 15 Calories on the Rower or 300 meter Run
20:00 minute time cap
C. Sign up for Dr. Kristin’s Sports Chiropractic care at the gym! HERE