A. Every Minute on the Minute for Ten Minutes of:
ODD Minutes: 12 GHD Sit-ups
EVEN Minutes: 10 Alternating DB Push Press (5 each) + 20 Banded Pull-aparts
Banded Pull-Apart DEMO
Every Minute on the Minute for Ten Minutes of:
ODD Minutes: 15 KBS (53, 35)
EVEN Minutes: 2 Rope Climbs
Rx+:(10 KB Snatches Each Arm 53/35) (2 Legless Rope Climbs)
L3: (5 Strict Chin-ups)
L2: (35, 25) (Band Assisted Strict Chin-ups)
L1: (35, 25 Russian Swings) (10 Ring Rows per round)
Extra Credit:
Single Arm OH Banded Tricep Extensions: 3 x 25 each. Rest 30s.
Overhead Tricep Extension DEMO
C. Sign up for Dr. Kristin’s Sports Chiropractic care at the gym! HERE