Brent Clark






How long have you been a CrossFitter?

Nine months


Why do you CrossFit?

In the beginning, I joined CrossFit to lose weight and get back in shape. Now, I CrossFit for the camaraderie and the high you get after a really tough workout.


What’s your favorite thing about CrossFit?
My favorite thing about CrossFit is the support I receive from the trainers and other CrossFitters. Whether it comes in the form of encouragement, compliments, or a little tough love, it all helps make me a better CrossFitter.


How has CrossFit impacted your life?

About eight years ago, I got my first desk job and developed some pretty bad diet and exercise habits. These bad habits resulted in me packing on over 100lbs. In March of 2011, I weighed 344lbs and my body fat percentage was about 38%. I joined CrossFit the following month and lost 105lbs over the next eight months. Now, my body fat percentage is 12.9%, and feel like I am in the best shape of my life.


What’s your favorite lift/workout?

Grace. Thirty clean and jerks for time…it doesn’t get any better than that.


What’s your least favorite lift/workout?



What advice would you give to the new CrossFitter?

I would tell the new CrossFitter not to get intimidated by some of the times and scores you see on the whiteboard. You would be surprised how many CrossFit athletes struggled with their weight and fitness before joining CrossFit. If they can do it, so can you.


Tell us something not CrossFit-related that we don’t know about you.

When I was in high school, I was offered an athletic scholarship to play basketball for West Point.