Erinn Lowe





How long have you been a Crossfitter?

10 months


Why do you Crossfit?

Initially it was to lose weight and get in great shape. I was tired of the typical gym with no results and was ready to push myself in a challenging environment.


What’s your favorite thing about Crossfit?

I love the camaraderie, the intensity of the workouts and the results. Since starting crossfit I’ve dropped 15 lbs and three dress sizes so all the hard work definitely pays off.


How has Crossfit impacted your life?

I’m physically stronger than I’ve ever been and pretty happy with how my body has responded.


What’s your favorite lift/workout?

My favorite lift would have to be power cleans which I’m still working on perfecting.


What’s your least favorite lift/workout?

My least favorite workout would have to be double unders and thrusters. They kill me every time we do them.


What advice would you give to the new Crossfitter?

The best advice for new crossfitters is don’t judge yourself but what others do on the whiteboard. You have to compete and challenge yourself and set your own personal goals.


Tell us something not Crossfit-related that we don’t know about you

My sister and I had our twins 18 days apart.  She was actually the one who convinced me to start crossfit and now I’m hooked.