Denise Moore



How long have you been a Crossfitter?

I’ve been crossfitting for about 18 months.


Why do you Crossfit?
At first it was to see if I even could do it. Now it’s to stay fit. It’s been, and continues to be a huge challenge to me. I’m totally amazed at things I couldn’t do 18 months ago, but can now. (Maybe not to perfection, but working toward being better each day!)


What’s your favorite thing about Crossfit?

The “feel” of the gym. The people here give it such a sense of community. The passion everyone has to cheer one another on, and encourage each other makes CFSC what it is. A truly fantastic group of people.



How has Crossfit impacted your life?
I’ve become much more disciplined. I make the time for myself to get to the gym, and make ME a priority. I have a greater awareness about my body, and the impact exercise and better nutrition has in the great scheme of things. Not that I don’t have weaknesses for contraband, but it’s far less frequent and with more thought before I grab and/or eat non-Paleo these days.

What’s your favorite lift/workout?
Deadlift, probably because it doesn’t involve putting the weight over my head! I do like the variety of the different WODs, and mixing things up.


What’s your least favorite lift/workout?

Broad jumps…I did not get the “frog” gene, this girl can NOT jump! Overhead squats are combining two very tough things for me…getting my butt down low for the squat, and keeping weight over my head…YIKES!


What advice would you give to the new Crossfitter?

Hang in there, stick with it, it pays in the long run. I would never have thought I would have lasted this long when I walked into the gym October, 2011. I have lost 35 lbs, and dropped 4 sizes, and am in better shape now than when I was 20.


Tell us something not Crossfit-related that we don’t know about you

I’m a Martha Stewart wannabe. Love to cook, sew, garden, all that stereotypical girl stuff. If I cooked every recipe I’ve collected and clipped, I would be in the kitchen for about 10 years straight. I’ve been told my carrot cake is “off the chain”…so yes, not all those recipes are Paleo.