If you know me, you know I typically have a lot to say. I’m the biggest encourager for everyone around me. As a coach I can tell you what it takes to live an abundant life – eating veggies, drinking water, getting quality sleep, not skipping the workout, and being a good human.
Well guess what? I have a confession…I’m great at coaching others but when it comes to myself, I struggle with self–talk, and I’ve discovered I have what’s called an “All or Nothing” mindset. If I’m not dialed in with ALL of these things: nutrition, workouts, and work goals – I feel like I’m failing.
My personality type is The Achiever. I won’t dig into that today but suffice it to say, I want to win and I want everyone around me to win. This sounds like a great personality trait, but it can be deceiving because as I said, if I’m not “winning”, then I’m “failing”. For me there is no in-between. I’m extremely tough on myself. I don’t encourage myself like I would you. I don’t give myself that personal grace that I deserve.
I am certain that we all need a coach or mentor, someone to challenge us and hold us accountable to our dreams and goals. That is what I do for so many. I’ve worked hard the last 6 months on making sure I am a “light” in this uncertain universe we currently live in. But in doing that, I’ve forgotten to put myself first and have been trying to “wing it” with little success. It was time I practiced what I preached for myself.
I started the CrossFit South Cobb Lifestyle Challenge a few weeks ago with Christina, one of the Registered Dietitians on our Nutrition staff. She has really made me dig into some emotional work when it comes to MY nutrition, which lead me to look at the personality traits and habits that are negatively impacting my personal life. Truthfully it has been challenging and uncomfortable, but I know in order for me to level up and achieve my current goals, I have to do the work and get comfortable being challenged and uncomfortable.
I’ve uncovered so many things about myself. My “All or Nothing” mindset is not healthy and I would not coach you to think that way for yourself! I’m personally working really hard to change that mindset and create a new way of celebrating “all the wins” in my life – Big or Small!!
For today I’m celebrating that fact I’ve achieved my goal of drinking 128 ounces of water a day for the past 3 weeks !!!
Big or small, there is ALWAYS something to celebrate. What are YOU celebrating today?