5 rounds for time
8 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
Sprint 25 meters
Bear crawl 25 meters
Why Do Some People Have Trouble Losing Weight?
–by Natalie Digate Muth
We all know people who can eat whatever they want and never put on an ounce (though oftentimes the pounds do sneak up on them as they age). Genetics clearly is a factor in how easily someone loses weight. Also, gender differences play a role. When men lose weight they tend to lose abdominal fat first, whereas women have a more difficult time losing abdominal fat. However, there are additional, more controllable contributors.
Amount of muscle mass
First, muscle mass is directly proportional to metabolism and, thus, calories burned. People who have a large muscle mass burn more calories and can more easily lose weight when they control caloric intake than someone who has a low muscle mass. Therefore, if you want to optimize your weight loss success, incorporate strength training into your routine in order to build muscle mass and increase overall metabolism. This also helps to ensure that any weight you do lose will be fat and not muscle. Keep in mind that your metabolic rate will still stay high even once you