
Monday 09.02.2019

8am and 9am classes for Monday Labor Day Only! With a partner : 28 AMRAP 40 air squats 40 sit-ups 4 rope climbs Every 4min (including the start) 200m run or 10/8 cal bike Alt. which partner runs 200 or bikes each 4min L2: 8 rope pulls (2:1 per rope climb) L1: 16 ring rows […]

Saturday 08.31.2019

A) METCON AMRAP 30 with a partner: Buy in: 400 Meter Partner Buddy Carry (split as needed) *Any heavy odd object can be used as a substitute here (a heavy sandbag is a good choice) Then, With remaining time AMRAP: 400 Meter Row 30 Wallballs 20 T2B 10 Burpees *One person works. Split as desired. […]

Friday 08.30.2019

A) STRENGTH 1) Push Press: 5-4-3-2-1+. Rest 2:00 – Build to a 1RM – Beginner: 7 x 4 only adding weight if form permits. Rest 90s. 2) DB Rows: 1/4 x 15. Rest 60s. B) METCON For time: 100 Double Unders 25 Push Press (95, 65) 75 Double Unders 20 Push Press (135, 95) 50 […]

Thursday 08.29.2019

Nutrition Challenge begins Monday September 9th. Sign up by visiting HERE A) STRENGTH 1) Back Squat Submaximal Work: 1 x 4 @60%,1 x 4 @70%, 1 x 3 @80%, 1 x 3 @85%, 2 x 3 @90%. Rest 2-3:00 *Rest 3:00 between sets of 90% 2) Touch n go Deadlift Warm-up: 3 x 3, adding […]

Wednesday 08.28.2019

A) METCON With a partner: 8 Minutes of Rowing for max distance 8 Minutes of Bike for max calories 8 Minutes of Max Distance Jog 8 Minutes of: 8 Power Cleans (135, 95) 6 Front Squats (135, 95) 4 Shoulder to OH (135, 95) *One person works. Split as desired. Score = total rounds of […]

Tuesday 08.27.2019

A) STRENGTH Close Grip Floor Press: 3/4 x 6 @60% of Last Friday. Rest 90s. *Between work sets complete 10 DB Hammer Curls B) METCON 20 Minutes on the clock: Buy in: 400 Meter Single Arm Overhead KB Carry (alternate sides evenly) (53, 35) Remaining time Max Rounds of: 4 HSPU 8 C2B Pull-ups 12/9 […]

Monday 08.26.2019

A) STRENGTH 1) Front Box Squat: 5-4-3-2-1+. Rest 2:00 – Build to a 1RM. – Beginner build to a challenging set of 3 2) Power Snatch: 3 x 3, touch n go warm-up. Rest 60s. B) METCON Snatch Balls AMRAP 7: 7 Power Snatch (95, 65) 10 Wall Balls (20, 15) L3: (75, 55) L2: […]

Saturday 08.24.2019

A) METCON AMRAP 30 w. a partner: 600 Meter Run 50 Wall Balls (20, 14) 40 T2B 30 Russian KB swings (70/53) 20 Overhead Squats (75, 55) 10 Box Jump Overs (24, 20) *One person works at a time. Split as desired L2: (14, 10) (65, 45) (20, 15) L1: (10, 8) (55, 35) (20, […]

Friday 08.23.2019

A) STRENGTH Floor Press: 5-4-3-2-1+. Rest 2:00 – Build to a 1RM. – Beginner: Perform sets of 3 reps x 8-10 sets working on technique and adding weight if form permits. B) METCON “Heart Breaker” AMRAP 8: 15 Push Press (115, 75) 15 SDHP (115, 75) L3: (95, 65) L2: (75, 55) L1: (65, 45) […]

Thursday 08.22.2019

A) STRENGTH Back Squat Submaximal Work: 1 x 5 @50%, 1 x 4 @60%, 1 x 3 @70%, 1 x 3 @80%, 3 x 3 @85%. Rest 90s-2:00. *Rest 2:00 between sets at 85%. B) METCON For time: 30 DB Man Makers (50, 35) L3: (45, 30) L2: (35, 25) L1: (30, 20) *12:00 Time […]


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$22 Per Class

1600 Roswell Street, Suite 8
Smyrna, GA 30080

(470) 648-6479


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