Please use extra caution coming to the gym Tuesday morning!
1) EMOM 10:
Minutes 0:00-5:00: 2 Jerks @70%
Minutes 6:00-10:00: 2 Jerks @75%
2) Not for time:
Close Grip Bench Press (Add weight each round)
Strict Chin-ups
Strict T2B
*5x Double Unders ie. 50-40-30-20-10
*Score = heaviest weight in the Bench Press
Rx+:(Bar Muscle-ups in place of Chin-ups) (GHD Sit-ups in place of T2B) (10x Double Unders)
L2: (Ring Rows w. a 2 count pause on each rep) (Knee Lifts) (40s of DU Attempts each set)
L1: (Ring Rows, no pause) (Reverse Crunches) (Single Unders)
20:00 Cap on this work
*Alternate Options
– Pull-ups = Ring Pull-ups
– Close Grip Bench Press = Ring Dips
3) Sign up for Dr. Kristin’s Sports Chiropractic care at the gym! HERE “