
Dec 11

Thursday 12.12.2019

A) STRENGTH Conventional Deadlift: Build to a challenging, but perfect set of 3 in 10 sets. - Reset reps - no touch n go - PERFECT form on each rep - neutral spine/head neutral Rx+ Extra Training: Seated Dynamic Box Jumps - Accumulate 30 Jumps. Rest 30-45s. B) CONDITIONING For... read more →
Dec 10

Wednesday 12.11.2019

A) CONDITIONING Shinners AMRAP 25 with a partner: 30 Burpees 1k Row 30 KBS (70, 53) *One person works at a time - SPLIT ALL WORK however desired. L3: (53, 35) L2: (45, 30) L1: (35, 25 Russian Kettlebell Swings) (Squat Thrusts in place of Burpees) "Rx+ Metcon ""Aerobic Recovery... read more →
Dec 09

Tuesday 12.10.2019

A) STRENGTH Bench Press - close grip: Heavy 4 in 7 sets. Rest 2:00 - Slightly inside of shoulder width - Shoot for 85% of 1RM if Known - If you have chains, use them. - Beginners: Only add weight if form permits. Rx+ Extra Training: Ring Muscle-up Work -... read more →
Dec 08

Monday 12.09.2019

A) STRENGTH Box Squat - Wide Stance/Parallel Box (13-15): Build to a heavy set of 5 in 7 sets. Rest 2:00 - Sit Back on the box slightly - no touch n go - Lumbar tight - vertical shin if possible - Control Eccentric/Explode through concentric range of motion -... read more →
Dec 06

Saturday 12.07.2019

A) CONDITIONING AMRAP 20 with a partner - ascending reps: 3 Deadlifts (225, 155) 3 Burpee Pull-ups 100 Meter Run 6 Deadlifts (225, 155) 6 Burpee Pull-ups 100 Meter Run 9 Deadlifts (225, 155) 9 Burpee Pull-ups 100 Meter Run And so... *One person works - split as desired. L3:... read more →
Dec 05

Friday 12.06.2019

A) STRENGTH Chin-up + Negative: 3/5 x 4 (5s). Rest 2:00 - 3 warm-up sets + 5 work sets - 5 Second LOWERING - Scaling - Partner Assisted Pull-ups + Negative - Rx+: Perform 6 work sets B) CONDITIONING 5 RFT: 10 Push Press (115, 75) 10 KBS (53, 35)... read more →
Dec 04

Thursday 12.05.2019

A) STRENGTH 1) Snatch: Heavy 1 in 12 sets. Rest 90s. - Goal is to hit 90% of 1RM if known - Any style snatch is acceptable today - Intermediate moderate set of 1 - Beginner - technique work for 10-12 sets 2) Metcon Warm-up: 3 Rounds of: 3 Power... read more →
Dec 04

Best push up accessory movements

How are you trying to improve your push ups?  Are you just trying to do more and more push ups?  Push ups are not as easy as they seem, and there is more technique involved than most realize.  Being a bodyweight movement most people do these for a high volume... read more →
Dec 03

Wednesday 12.04.2019

A) CONDITIONING For time: 400 Meter Run 100 DB Renegade Rows (Light) (total reps) 800 Meter Run 100 Push-ups (or Box Push-ups) 1200 Meter Run 100 Air Squats 1 Mile Run 100 Abmat Sit-ups *30:00 Time Cap L2: (75 Reps per movement) L1: (50 Reps per movement) (Scale Running distance... read more →
Dec 02

Tuesday 12.03.2019

A) STRENGTH 1) Bench Press - medium grip: Build to a heavy 6 in 6 sets. Rest 2:00 - Use a medium grip - shoulder-width grip - Shoot for 80% of 1RM if Known - Beginners: Only add weight if form permits. 2) Bent over DB Rows: 5 x 10.... read more →