
Dec 23

Tuesday 12.24.2019

Payton's 12 Days of CrossFit ”12 Days of CrossFit”, performed with a partner * Each of you will STILL do the entire workout, just share equipment. 1 works while 1 rests. * 1 Deadlift, then 2 Power Cleans, 1 deadlift. Then 3 Thrusters, 2 Power Cleans, 1 Deadlift, and so... read more →
Dec 22

Monday 12.23.2019

A) STRENGTH Power Clean: Build to a 1RM in 10 sets. Rest 2:00 - Sets should look like 3-3-2-2-1-1-1... - There should only be 3-4 singles ABOVE 90% - Rest 2:00 B) CONDITIONING Kiss the Sky 3 RFT: 12 Burpees 12 DB Front Squat (50, 35) *After 3RFT is complete... read more →
Dec 20

Saturday 12.21.2019

A) CONDITIONING AMRAP 20 with a partner: 50 Wall balls (20, 14) 50 Calorie Row 50 Kipping Handstand Push-ups *One person works - split as desired. Then when recovered, AMRAP 5 of "Bodybuilding:" 10 DB Hammer Curls 10 Double KB RDLs 20 Plate Russian Twists (total) *Done individual - not... read more →
Dec 19

Friday 12.20.2019

A) STRENGTH 1) Chin-up: Accumulate Volume 40 reps - Rx+:(Band Resisted Pull-ups - 30-40 Reps) - L3: (Bodyweight - 30 Reps) - L2: (Band Assisted Pull-ups - 5 x 5) - L1: (Squat assisted Ring pull ups - 5 x 8-10) Rest 60-90s between sets. 2) Rollback Triceps Extensions: 1/5... read more →
Dec 18

Thursday 12.19.2019

A) STRENGTH Conventional Deadlift against a band: Build to a challenging, but perfect set of 3 in 10 sets. - Reset reps - no touch n go - PERFECT form on each rep - neutral spine/head neutral - Goal - beat last weeks weight B) CONDITIONING For time: 100 Goblet... read more →
Dec 17

Wednesday 12.18.2019

A) CONDITIONING Townsend 10 RFT with a partner: 200 Meter Run 20 Power Snatches (95, 65) 20 T2B *One person works - split however desired. L3: (75, 55) L2: (65, 45) (Knee Lifts) L1: (55, 35) (Reverse Crunches) 30:00 Time Cap *Scaling Options for T2B Rx+ Aerobic Recovery Work -... read more →
Dec 16

Tuesday 12.17.2019

A) STRENGTH 1a) Split Stance Landmine Press: 1/3 x 6-8 ea. No rest. 1b) 1-Arm KB Row w. rotation: 1/3 x 8-10 ea. No rest. 1c) Alternating DB Curls: 1/3 x 10 ea. Rest 60s. - This a triset - you go from 1a to 1b to 1c then rest... read more →
Dec 15

Monday 12.16.2019

A) STRENGTH 1) Front Box Squat - Regular Stance/Parallel Box (13-15"): Build to a heavy set of 3 in 8 sets. Rest 2:00 - Sit Back on the box slightly - no touch n go - Lumbar tight - Control Eccentric/Explode through concentric range of motion - Shoot for 80-85%... read more →
Dec 13

Saturday 12.14.2019

Today we celebrate 10 fun years of CrossFit South Cobb. Remember to bring a friend to today’s class. We will have the normal CrossFit schedule of 9am, 10am, and 11am. Strongman, Barbell Club and Kids class will also be Open! Food, drinks and snacks will also be served! Strongman class... read more →
Dec 12

Friday 12.13.2019

A) STRENGTH 1) Strict Pull-up: Accumulate Volume - Rx+:(Band Resisted Pull-ups - 40 Reps) - L3: (Bodyweight - 30 Reps) - L2: (Partner Assisted Chin-up - 5 x 5) - L1: (Ring Rows - 5 x 8-10) Rest 60-90s between sets. 2) Rollback Triceps Extensions: 1/4 x 15. Rest 60s.... read more →