
Jan 15

Thursday 01.16.2020

A) STRENGTH Back Squat: Build to a heavy 5 in 7 sets. Rest 2:00 - Goal: Beat last weeks weight if you're feeling good. Rx+ Additional Training - 2) Power Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: 5 x 1 + 3 + 1 @75% of Jerk, every 60s. 3) Standing... read more →
Jan 14

Wednesday 01.15.2020

A) CONDITIONING For total time: 500 Meter Row 400 Meter Run 200 Single Unders Rest 2:00 500 Meter Row 400 Meter Run 100 Air Squats Rest 2:00 500 Meter Row 400 Meter Run 100 Push-ups L2: (150 Single Unders) (Box Push-ups) L1: (100 Single Unders) (50 Box Push-ups) (50 Abmat... read more →
Jan 13

Tuesday 01.14.2020

A) STRENGTH 1a) Single Arm DB/KB Push Press - neutral grip: 4 x 6 ea. Rest 45s. - neutral grip 1b) Strict Chin-up: 4 x 6. Rest 45s. - Rx+ - Band Resisted - L3: - BW - L2: Partner Assisted Pull-ups - L1: Ring Rows x 10-15 each set.... read more →
Jan 12

Monday 01.13.2020

A) STRENGTH Deadlift: Build to a heavy 3 in 10 sets. Rest 2:00 - Touch n go reps B) CONDITIONING For time: 100 Russian KBS (70, 53) *EMOM: 6 Up Downs (squat thrusts) *This workout STARTS with 6 up downs Rx+:(Band Resisted Kettlebell Swings) (6 Burpees EMOM) L3: (53, 35)... read more →
Jan 10

Saturday 01.11.2020

A) CONDITIONING With a partner: AMRAP 20: 7 Hang Power Cleans (155, 105) 7 Front Squats (155, 105) 150 Meter Row *One athlete completes a full round at a time Then, AMRAP 10: 10 Minute Easy Jog or Light Sledpull Together Rx+:(12/9 Calories Bike per round) L3: (135, 95) L2:... read more →
Jan 09

Friday 01.10.2020

A) STRENGTH Max in complex of: 1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk *Goal beat last weeks weight if you're feeling good Rest as needed. - Beginner: Push Press: 5 x 5. Rest 90s. B) CONDITIONING Surprise For time: 20-15-10-5 Push Press (135, 95) Burpee Pull-ups L3: (115, 75) L2:... read more →
Jan 09

Thursday 01.09.2020

A) STRENGTH 1) Back Squat: Build to a heavy 5 in 7 sets. Rest 2:00 2) Sumo Stance RDLs w. bands pulling forward: 4 x 8. Rest 90s. Rx+ Additional Training - Standing Box Jumps w. a vest - Accumulate 40 jumps to a challenge a height. Complete a set... read more →
Jan 07

Wednesday 01.08.2020

A) CONDITIONING For time: 2k Row (or 1 Mile Run) 21 T2B 100 Double Unders 1k Meter Row (or 800 Meter Run) 15 T2B 75 Double Unders 500 Meter Row (or 400 Meter Run) 9 T2B 50 Double Unders L2: (Knee Lifts) (Double Under Attempts) L1: (30s Elbow Plank each... read more →
Jan 06

Tuesday 01.07.2020

A) STRENGTH 1a) Tall Kneeling Landmine Presses - bilateral: 3 x 10. No rest. 1b) DB Hammer Curls: 3 x 10. Rest 60s. 2) Pull-ups: 10 x 3, every 60s. - medium pronated grip - Adv add weight each set - Int: Bodyweight - Beginner - Partner Assisted Pull-ups 3)... read more →
Jan 05

Monday 01.06.2020

A) STRENGTH Deadlift: Build to a heavy 3 in 10 sets. Rest 2:00 Touch n go reps B) CONDITIONING James B 4 RFT: 15 Power Snatch (75, 55) 15 Lateral Burpees Rx+:(95, 65) L3: (65, 45) L2: (55, 35) L1: (10 Alt. DB Snatch) (10 Regular Burpees) 9:00 Cap C)... read more →