A. Front Squat: 2RM. Rest 2:00 Minutes
Beginner: 5 x 5, adding weight if form permits
B. With a Running Clock:
10 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95)
10 Box Jumps w. step down (24/20)
10 KBS (53/35)
10 Ground to Overhead with a plate (45/25)
20 Walking Overhead Lunges w. plate (45/25) (total)
50 Double Unders
L3: (115/75)
L2: (95/65) (20/15) (35/25) (35/15) (45s Double Under Attempts)
L1: (65/35) (20/15 Step-ups) (35/25 Russian Swings) (25/10) (Single Unders)
*Score = total rounds + reps. 3 scores for each AMRAP
C. Barbell Club Meets at 6:30pm!