
Dec 10

Tuesday 12.11.2018

Please use extra caution coming to the gym Tuesday morning! 1) EMOM 10: Minutes 0:00-5:00: 2 Jerks @70% Minutes 6:00-10:00: 2 Jerks @75% 2) Not for time: 10-8-6-4-2 Close Grip Bench Press (Add weight each round) Strict Chin-ups Strict T2B *5x Double Unders ie. 50-40-30-20-10 *Score = heaviest weight in... read more →
Dec 09

Monday 12.10.2018

1) Power Clean: 1RM. Rest 2:00 between working sets– Take 8-10 sets and build to a new 1RM.– Beginner: Clean Grip Deadlift: Work up to a heavy set of 5. Rest 90s.2) Power Clean + Thruster: Build to Metcon weight performing reps of 2 + 2. Rest 60s. ”Barn Burner”For... read more →
Dec 07

Saturday 12.08.2018

In 30 minutes in teams of 2 complete: 150 Wallballs (20, 14) 150 Burpees *This workout can be done however needed ie. split into rounds. Then with the remaining time: Max Distance Farmer Carry (70, 53)   Rx:(88, 70) OR Heavy Farmer Handles w. BW per hand L2: (14, 10)... read more →
Dec 06

Friday 12.07.2018

1) Wide Stance Box Squat: 8 x 3 @60% of Monday 3RM, every 60s. – Same Box as Monday 2) Touch n Go Deadlift/Box Jump Warm-up: 3 Sets of 3 for each preparing for the Metcon. Rest 60s. AMRAP 7: 3 Deadlifts (225, 155) 3 Box Jumps w. step down... read more →
Dec 05

Thursday 12.06.2018

1) Rowing technique drills """Heels down"", ""Push don't pull""" 2) For total time: Row 750m 50 Abmat Sit-ups Rest 2:00 Row 750m 50 HR Push-ups Rest 2:00 Row 750m 50 DB Renegade Rows (Left + Right = 1 Rep) (50s, 30s) Rest 2:00 Row 750 Meters Easy Recovery L2: (40s,... read more →
Dec 04

Wednesday 12.05.2018

1) Jerk: 1RM. Rest 2:00 Beginner: Push Press: 5 x 5, adding weight if form permits. 2) Metcon Prep. Warm-up Pullups/Hang Power Cleans 4 Rounds of: 21/18 Calorie Bike 15 Pull-ups 9 Hang Power Cleans (135, 95) Rest 90s between rounds Rx+:(C2B Pull-ups) (155, 105) L3: (10 Pull-ups per round)... read more →
Dec 03

Tuesday 12.04.18

1) T2B: Accumulate Volume in 7 Minutes. Rest as needed between sets. 2) "Kettlebell Komplex" As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes with 1 kettlebell (53/35) 10 Single Arm Russian Swings Right 10 Single Arm Russian Swings Left 8 Single Arm KB Rows Right 8 Single Arm KB Rows... read more →
Dec 02

Monday 12.03.2018

A. Wide Stance Box Squat: 3RM. Rest 2:00 – 16” Box – Beginner: 5 x 5, adding weight if form permits (or a higher height box). B. “Gameday” For total time: 30 Front Squats (155, 105) 30 Lateral Burpees Rest 7:00 30 Power Cleans (155, 105) 30 Lateral Burpees L3:... read more →
Nov 30

Saturday 12.01.2018

Bring A Friend Today and help us celebrate 9 years of CrossFit South Cobb! We will have food, drinks, snacks, and an indoor bounce house for kids! You are welcome to attend any of our 3 morning classes (9am, 10am, 11am) In Teams of 2 or 3: 24:00 AMRAP 24... read more →
Nov 29

Friday 11.30.2018

A. Ring Rows: 4 x 10-12. Rest 30s. Pause for a 1 count at the top Single Arm DB Bench Press, neutral grip: 4 x 8 each. Rest 30s. all sets of with one challenging weight. Metcon Prep: Warm-up Shoulder to Overhead/Toes to Bar B. "Jones Bones" As Many Rounds... read more →